KeyBoard Lights Bliking Continuously

Hi! Today we play a little trick. Through this trick your keyboard lights blinking like they are dancing.
So lets Start 

  • Open Notepad copy and paste following green code

Set wshShell=wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshShell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshShell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshShell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

  • Save as file to your dextop, named disco.vbs.
  • Go to dextop you see your disco file of extension vbs. Double click on it 
There we go. You see your keyboard lights dancing (blinking).
If you want to stop these lights follow these steps
  • Right click on Task Bar 
  • Click Task Manager 
  • Find and click on wscript.exe file 
  • Press End Process

How to earn Money Online By Adfly?

Trick: Adfly Money Earning
Some people facing some problem in google addsense account to earn by adds on your site. 
This become easy by Adfly. Some people thought  it as a scam at first but that as basically due to the fact that they did not knew how to use the site.

There are three main steps require to earn money by Adfly:
  1. Sign Up Here
  2. Shrink The Links
  3. Share The Links
These steps are for Professionals and can start earning now otherwise read
the more detailed steps below.

Detail Steps

  • Follow this link here and you will be directed to Adfly website main page.
    Click "JOIN NOW" button.

  • When you Joined then you have to fill your information e.g 
  1. Your Name
  2. Username
  3. Email
  4. Password
  5. Account Type
  6. Humane Check
    at 5th point there will be two Account Types at Adfly that being An Advertiser
    or Publisher.
    You can advertise your website for visitors and all by signing up at adfly as an advertiser but as we are discussing the subject of earning let's leave Advertising topic here.

    After you have filled everything correctly , make sure you checked check box of terms and conditions and then click the Join Button

Go to your Email that you entered now. You may receive a account verification email. Copy the
verification code and paste it in given link. 
  • Now you are successfully have Adfly dashboard like mine one given below. 

Red bar is the main thing. In this bar you can paste any link of your site then press Shrink . For Example if i was convert into a adfly money generating link
then it would become Now i can share this shrinked link to any ware like twitter, 
facebook etc. where i get more traffic of my site. When ever some one clicks on this link money will be generated for me as shown in my Dashboard.

Adfly share earning through advertising with you 50/50. The Actual amount you will receive per visitor varies depending on the location of the person and what advertisers are currently on the system. You view the current publisher payout rate here. Minimum payout of $5.00 and they pay with PayPal or Payoneer once per month.

You can also earn through referral. Just get referral in your Dashboard copy the URL and paste in twitter or facebook or any ware.

Note: Per click earning depends on visitor's country.

Windows 10 Features VS Windows 8.1

Windows 10 VS Windows 8.1
Using Windows 10 almost from day of released. I have discovered little changes and feature
that Microsoft hasn't yet discussed . Let's dive straight in with favorite secret features of
Windows 10.

"Home" tab in Explorer now

In the last few version of windows, opening My Computer or a new Explorer window
would show you your computer's various storage locations and shortcuts to default folders
like Documents and My Pictures. In Windows 10, you now end up in a new view called
Home, which shows Favorites, Frequent Folders, and Recent Files. Take loo at the 
screen shot below and you'll see what i mean.

Windows 10 This PC Home
Favorites seems to be where Documents or My Pictures should appear. I don't know the
 math behind the Frequent Folders, but it looks like just tracks which folders I have 
opened the most times. Recent Files is like the Recent Places feature That premiered in
Windows Vista, but just for files.

I assume that folders can be added to the Favorites section, but I've not yet worked
out how to do it. (To be honest, the more advances features of Explorer, lie Libraries, are
still pretty hard to penetrate).

"This PC" is still available from the left-hand menu if you want to manage your various storage locations/default folders. I like the new Home tab a lot.

Windows 10 Home Tab

Recycle Bin on the task bar

Rather than having to take around Explorer or minimize everything and find the Recycle
Bin icon on Dextop, in Windows 10 you can now add the Recycle Bin to both
the task bar and the Start menu. Yes, that is the sound of many brains exploding as they catastrophically realize the enormity of this change.

Recycle Bin at Task Bar and Start Menu

Windows 10 Start menu is re-sizable

This feature is much odd one. You can make the Windows 10 Start menu as tall or as wide as you
like. If you want to have a Start menu that takes up the entire left side of your screen, or a narrow
strip across the task bar, the that's show now possible. The task bar itself is also re sizable, which means you can do weird stuff this:

Re sizable Windows 10

Cortana is coming to Windows 10

Search with Cortana also coming in Windows 10 new features. There is a lot of references to Cortana in windows 10 Technical Preview, there is even a

Windows.Cortana .dll       just sitting in System32 directory.

You also get lot of Cortana-related hits if you search "Cortana "  within the Registry Editor.

I'm hopefully see Cortana in the next beta of Windows 10. None of this is say that
Cortana is definitely coming to Windows 10.
Windows 10 Cortana

Toasts Notification in Windows 10

There are some pretty toasts/notifications that pop up in the top right corner of the screen.
These notification appear to replace the speech bubble s that used to pop out of the system tray
(this task bar , unless you are one of those heathens who has moved the task bar to a non-standard location).You can see Example Image below, but there are similar toasts for successful uploads to
Drop-box and similar activities.

It seems that notification or toasts are configures though the same interface that Metro notification used in Windows 8/8.1 i.e PC settings (see below).

Windows 10 Toast Notification

Windows 10 Toast Notification

The new Notification Tray might only be coming soon in Metro interface.

Why did Microsoft Skip Windows 9 [Rumor]

Few day back when Microsoft announced the windows 10 as their next version of Windows was the most unexpected surprised at San Francisco event.
However why did Microsoft skip windows 9 and jump directly to Windows 10.

One of the developer from Microsoft named cranbourne stated on Reddit that
Microsoft dev here, the internal rumours are that early testing revealed just how many third party products that had code of the form

      /*95 and 98*/
else {

and that this was the pragmatic solution to avoid that.

And if Microsoft named Windows 10 as Windows 9, then all classic apps with
above code will deal it as windows 95 or Windows 98. So that's why Microsoft skip Windows 9.

Unity Keyboard Shortcuts For Game Developer

Unity Shortcuts Make Easy To Use

FFrame selected (ie, show the selected asset in its containing folder)
TabShift focus between first column and second column (Two columns)
Ctrl/Cmd + FFocus search field
Ctrl/Cmd + ASelect all visible items in list
Ctrl/Cmd + DDuplicate selected assets
DeleteDelete with dialog
Delete + ShiftDelete without dialog
Backspace + CmdDelete without dialogs (OSX)
EnterBegin rename selected (OSX)
Cmd + down arrowOpen selected assets (OSX)
Cmd + up arrowJump to parent folder (OSX, Two columns)
F2Begin rename selected (Win)
EnterOpen selected assets (Win)
BackspaceJump to parent folder (Win, Two columns)
Right arrowExpand selected item (tree views and search results). If the item is already expanded, this will select its first child item.
Left arrowCollapse selected item (tree views and search results). If the item is already collapsed, this will select its parent item.
Alt + right arrowExpand item when showing assets as previews
Alt + left arrowCollapse item when showing assets as previews

Unity From Scratch

Unity Interface

Unity Interface depends on 5 parts .Following interface can be adjusted in your way , just drag and drop set it as you like...
  1. Tool bar
  2. Scene
  3. Inspector
  4. Project
  5. Hierarchy

  • Hierarchy

Hierarchy contains some GameObject of your current Scene. Some of these are direct instance of asets files, like Prefabs and 3D Models.


Unity uses a concept called Parenting, to make any GameObject the child of another. Just Drag the desired child into desired Parent in the Hierarchy. Inherited child will move and rotate according to it's Parent.

Store Procedure in SQL Server

Store Procedure is subroutine available to Application  that access Relational Database System.
Few important things are to be noted:
  • Not like Views in Access SP (Store Procedure) are pre-compiled in database.
  • Keyword is PROC or PROCEDURE.
  • Increase the Usability in Query Optimization.
  • Store in Database.
  • Wipe out from memory after their execution.

How to code?

Open SQL-Server, Create new Database named as EmployeeDB and Table named as Employee

Add following fields names in table

Make sure ID set as auto increment and Primary Key 
Expand Tables => right-click on dbo.Employee => Edit Top 200 Rows and Add dummy data like following

To make sure data is added, click on New Query (placed at right corner), and  paste following code and Click

SELECT * FROM [EmployeeDB].[dbo].[Employee];

How to Create Store Procedure ?

·          Using same query we create store procedure .
·          Paste/Replace following code and click Execute.

SELECT * FROM [EmployeeDB].[dbo].[Employee];

It create store procedure named as SPAllEmployee.
You can also see that Store Procedure file is created in Database => EmployeeDB => Programmability => Store Srocedures.

How To Call Store?

Click New Query Paste following Code and Execute.

Exec SPAllEmployee

How to Alter Store Procedure ?

·         Using same Store Procedure SPAllEmployee we alter this SP(Store Procedure). Now we are going to change the query . Click New Query Paste Following Code and Click Execute.
SELECT * FROM [EmployeeDB].[dbo].[Employee] AS E
WHERE E.City='Lahore';

Click New Query Paste Following Code and Execute
            Exec SPAllEmployee

See query result is changed now.

How to Drop Store Procedure? 

Simple click on New Query and Execute Following code.


How to Create Store Procedure with Parameter?

      Again create new Store Procedure named as SPnewEmployee in New Query  and Execute following lines of code.

@param varchar(50)
SELECT * FROM [EmployeeDB].[DBO].[Employee] AS E
WHERE E.[City]=@param;

EXEC SPnewEmployee 'Lahore'

If you want pass two or more parameter just separated with comma.
Now create new Store Procedure in New Query and Execute following lines of code it.

CREATE PROC SPnewEmployeeTwo
@city varchar(50),
@departmentName varchar(50)
SELECT * FROM [EmployeeDB].[DBO].[Employee] AS E
WHERE E.[City]= @city AND E.DepartmentName=@departmentName;

And now click New Query paste following code and then click on Execute.

EXEC SPnewEmployeeTwo @city='Lahore', @departmentName='English';

How to disable dextop icons

Hi friends this is small tricky that i often play with friends and make them fool :D

  • Just take Screenshot  of your dextop
  • Open that screen shot then right click and "set as dextop background".
  • Right Click on Dextop go to first option "View"  and make sure "Show Dextop Icons" is Unchecked .
  • Now try to click any icon... Hope you enjoying

Animation with Viusal Studio Blend

Open Visual Studio and make new project named Animation. Open Solution Explorer (CTRL+ALT+L ) then Right Click on Project click on Option Open in Blend ...

When Blend project is completed loaded just follow following steps.

Now Click on + button which is called Story Board .A storyboard is a graphic representation of how your animation will unfold, shot by shot.

then click on Add Key Frames.

Now we set start position of animation. For that purpose you have to drag button any position where you want. I'm just dragging out of the page.
Now Click on Key Frame's key

Now keep pressing arrow key at 0 second and drag it to 1 second of frame. Click on Button and drag to it's original position, make sure while dragging button dotted frame should be created like below Image.
Your Frame should be look like following Image. To play animation click on red encircle button and enjoy.